Weatheredege Limestone Quarry
(Colonial Brick and Stone Inc. quarry on Manitoulin Island)
Our 1200 acre quarry is located on Manitoulin Island. The stone is a light grey to white color and has a natural weathered face. This stone works beautifully for waterfall stone and landscape stone. We also manufacture 7 types of thin stone veneer from this stone. To see pictures of the veneer, visit “Building Stone & Thin Veneer“..
Weathered Landscape Boulders & Sizes
Small (1-2 man size)
Medium (500 – 1900 lbs.)
Large (1 – 2 ton)
Extra Large (2 – 6 ton)
20 Foot Amabel Outcrop
Amabel Formation
(Notice how the split which shows the strength of the stone)
20 foot Mindemoya Outcrop
Lower Fossil Hill Outcrop
Fossil Hill Sawn Slabs